I have placed an order, when can I expect it to be shipped?
Orders are posted within 2-3 working days unless the items is a pre-order, please check the product page for the item you are waiting for before contacting us as some items have a shipping date which will be explained there. We ask our UK customers to allow up to 10 working days formal delivery and our international customers to wait up to 28 before emailing to ask the whereabouts of their order.
Do you have a size chart?
If you go onto any product there is a link to our size chart, we would advice ordering your usual size, or try a size up if you'd like a baggier fit.
Providing your order has been made in the past 48 hours and has not already been fulfilled you can cancel it by emailing us or filling out our contact form. Please include all the necessary information for us to cancel your order.
Can I model for Death Marks UK and get some free stuff in exchange for promotion?
Currently we are not accepting model submissions or giving away free clothing, we do a giveaway on Instagram, enter to win some free stuff.
Are you re-stocking any items soon?
If you would like a particular item re-stocked in your size you can enter your email on the contact page and be notified when it returns to stocked. A lot of our items we sell are not re-stocking or be re-printed so get them while you can.
Can I submit a design to be printed?
All our designs and prints are designed in house, but you can email portfolios to [email protected] and we we gladly take a look at your work.